Man of Steel oh MY!!!

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This movie was everything that I wanted from Superman and more.

Note, this movie is darkER than the Christopher Reeve versions but less dark and drab than the last one. Henry Cavill does an AMAZING job walking the line between Clark and Kal-El. And this movie is about Superman, not Clark until the end. Then there is, what I would call a seamless transition to Clark and what will for sure be an exciting sequel to this movie.

Many people were dismayed by the destruction in this movie. Like why didn’t Superman move the fight to the middle of nowhere so regular people won’t get hurt. And that is the point. He is LEARNING. He is NEW to the whole concept of being Superman and doing these things. PS he was also fighting someone with powers equal to his that was hellbent on destroying the whole planet. I was personally happy he just got down to kicking some but and wasn’t asking o take the fight elsewhere, because I am pretty sure that General Zod wasn’t going to accommodate any of Superman’s requests.

I want MORE Henry as Superman!!!! Definitely a winner!

This is the End

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This movie was so inappropriately funny! And by inappropriate I mean I was sitting next to my mother during the film. I was embarrassed to no end to be laughing so hard at this raunchy humor in front of her. I was worried that she was HATING this movie and that at any second she was going to stand up and march out of the movie.

I couldn’t have been more wrong. She LOVED it and was laughing right along with me. This movie was twists and turns of hilarity and some crazy CGI. Definitely see this movie with friends. It is SUPER fun!

The Internship

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This movie could have been really fantastic. I read that there were two versions of this movie shot. One was very dark and the other was happy. I am assuming that the “Happy” version is the one that hit theaters and the one that I saw. It really wasn’t that “happy” or great. Yes they get the job, (SPOILER ALERT) and the girl and they make friends, yadda yadda. But this movie has been done 1,000,000 times and WAY better. Vince Vaughn was kinda funny but not enough to carry this movie past boring.

Now You See Me

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I LOVED this movie!!!!

This movie was about magic and it WAS magic. Not since I saw Young Harry Houdini starring Wil Wheaton in the late 80’s have I seen a movie that really made me believe in Magic. This movie made me believe. I wanted to sit through it again in the theater right after it was over.

It takes you on a massive thrill ride through the back roads of magic and the rules that go along with that and a thriller that makes you question who the good guy is from start to finish. But in the end you are happy. Because the good guys do win and magic is real.

See this movie!!!


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The East starring and written by my new hero, Brit Marling, is a thriller like no other. Alexander Skarsgård is so good in this movie that I was really hoping that this was going to launch him as more than just a really hot vampire. This movie is a biting commentary on corporate dominance and power in America and the world. It is a movie about family and friends and people trying to make a difference. But it is probably one of the scariest films of the year.

I don’t say it is scary because it is a horror movie. I find those movies to be silly mostly. There is always some OVER THE TOP bad guy or guys slaughtering people or possessing someone or something. It is improbable and usually impossible what happens in those movies. This movie is frightening because although the company names are changed, this stuff is real. These are the things that are happening in our country on a daily basis. These are the monsters under all of our beds.

I hope that as many people as possible will see this movie. It is that important.

Disconnect got me thinking A LOT!

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Disconnect is one of those little films that stays with you for the rest of your life. It is a great reflection of what is going on right now in the world.

We are all hyper-connected via the internet and our cell phones. We are CONSTANTLY communicating with each other about everything yet hardly anything is really being said or understood. We demand privacy but we give away all of ourselves freely to strangers miles away who only have to look at their screens and type our name.

This film looks at how we are all connected and how and why we should not take that for granted and how we need to look at this hyper-artifical-connectedness and examine our real connections.

Definitely see this movie. It will open your eyes.



Star Trek, To Boldly go where only men can go.

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Felicia Day, a personal hero of mine,  nailed her review of the new Star Trek: Into Darkness movie on the head. Here is what she had to say and my response.

“I posted this on my Tumblr but thought I’d repost it here.  I rarely rant like this, so hope you guys are cool with it, haha.

You are officially spoiled if you read below, NO COMPLAINTS!

Up front I will say I enjoyed this latest Star Trek movie a lot.  It was super noisy, but enjoyable, beautifully executed, and I particularly like some of the secondary characters, Spock was excellent, etc etc.  I just want to share an observation that stuck with me:

Where are the women?  The strong women?  The women we’d like to see in 200 years?  Where are they in this world?  They certainly aren’t around the roundtable when the Starfleet are learning about Khan (there might have been one in that scene, if so that extra was not cut to in any significant manner to be notable.)  In the scene where Kirk gets his ship back and the admiral is having a meeting with “important” people around a table later, I failed to see ONE WOMAN AROUND THAT TABLE, ALL MOSTLY WHITE MEN IMPLIED TO BE MAKING IMPORTANT DECISIONS TOGETHER.  Yes, these are just scenes with extras, but seriously, in the future not one woman over 40 is in charge in this world?!  How can that happen?

For main characters, Uhura had a FEW nice scenes (as a vehicle to humanize Spock mostly), but that other woman character was the WORST damsel in distress ever.  I kept waiting for her turn, waiting for her to not be the victim, to be a bit cleverer, to add to the equation in a “yeah you go girl” way but no, she was there to be sufficiently sexy that Kirk would acknowledge her existence, to be pretty, to serve the plot.  I loved her bob.  That’s it.  What if she had been a less attractive woman, older, overweight?  A tomboy?  Wouldn’t have that been a tad more interesting choice?  Or at least give her a moment where she’s not a princess waiting to be saved.  From a director who is so amazing, who created wonderful female characters in Alias and Felicity, I was super bummed by this.  A woman character CAN exist without having to be sexually desired by the guy.  Oh, and she doesn’t have to be a lesbian either, OMG WHAT A SURPRISING IDEA!

I don’t know if I’m extra sensitive about this issue or what, but I don’t think so, it’s a trend in media today. When I walk into the theater, I see men on posters.  Mostly white men, the same men we see over and over in movies.  Seth Rogen, Owen Wilson, Brad Pitt etc. Where did the women go?  We are telling people that only men are worth centering storytelling around, and that’s just bullshit.  And the problem is we unconsciously define the world and our culture through media.  These things are subliminal, we absorb them, they formulate the “given” that influences people’s life choices.  It might be a little thing on the surface, but this stuff is what prevents women from being as interested in math, or business people or tech etc.  Where are the examples of women in media to strive for, to make that stuff seem possible?  I don’t see many.  And that makes me sad.

People ask me why I don’t like Disney, I say, “Think of a princess.  Tell me three adjectives that come to mind.  Now do that with a prince. Now do that with the phrase, “leading character”.  We will all probably align around a lot of common ideas, Princess: taken care of, rescued, pretty dresses. Prince: adventurer, proving himself, manhood, Leading Character: chiseled white guy in his thirties, rockin’ body, girlfriend in peril.


I dunno about you, but it’s kind of boring to see the same thing over and over again.  So I guess, rambling away from the Star Trek thing, if you’re creating something, think of the first three adjectives that come to mind, then:  Do something different. It’s time to invent new cliches.    For all of us, please.” – Felicia Day


Here is what I had to say-

I feel exactly the same. I did love the movie. It was beautiful. But I was having this same discussion with my mother in Target. My son got invited to a girls birthday party. As a mother of two boys and being a total tomboy myself I had no idea what this girl was or would be into since I don’t know her at all.

Her Aunt called and told me that she was creative and liked creative things. I joked that I was an expert at buying Legos. Her Aunt said she liked Legos. So I got her a Lone Ranger Lego set and a Jewelry making kit. I figured all bases would be covered.

Before I settled on that my mom and I scoured Target for something Wonder Woman. My favorite super Hero and model of feminine power. As we looked everywhere it became more apparent that girls are just meant to be pretty and like pink and boys are powerful and get weapons and stuff. I finally found a shirt with Wonder Woman, Batgirl and Supergirl on it but they were drawn extra sexy and covered in glitter, posing provocatively. This was on a shirt for girls under 10. I was disgusted. Something must be done about this. Our future is filled with strong, powerful and wise women. I am one, you are one and there are many more of us.


Pain and Gain is FOR REAL Y’ALL!!

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Ok my mom and I went to this movie thinking this was going to be a douchy male dominated, potty humor, comedy; sorta Dodgeball meets Anchorman but with all muscle heads kinda thing. I thought how great will it be to see Mark Wahlberg and The Rock yucking it up in some crazy comedy.

Ummm, so NOT seeing a preview for this movie I had no idea what I was actually in for. MAN it was AMAZINGLY fantastic. The fact that this is a true story and the things that these idiots do! WHAT??? I kept thinking NO WAY can this be true. NOBODY would do that. And just when I thought that, up on the screen it freezes for a sec and it says “This is STILL a true story.” WHAT????

If someone had sat down and written this as a fictional movie and pitched it they would have been laughed out of the office because there is NO WAY anyone would do these things in real life. It just couldn’t happen. But it did. And Mark and the cast make you keep watching. You just can’t stop. See this movie, and I hope EVERYONE in it gets nominated!!


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Robert Downey Jr. is back again in the Iron Man saga in a BIG way.

I have heard people whine on the internet about how this one was boring, or not enough action, or too much special effects. Blah, blah, whine!! This movie had STORY. And a good story at that.

You get to see Tony Stark stripped down to basics and see what sets him apart from all the other super hero’s. His mind. His brilliant mind is what makes him Iron Man. He show’s us humanity as well as super human abilities. He was real and raw and vulnerable and it was wonderful to see.

This movie was funny and fun and packed with action. I loved every minute of it!!

The Company You Keep

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Well unfortunately for movie fans everywhere this was a total let down. GREAT subject matter, outstanding cast (with one MAJOR exception) and beautifully shot. But thanks to Shia LaCrappy this movie went in the toilet.

I love that Robert Redford is making hard hitting movies in the last few years. He is daring to go where no one else is right now and saying it exactly as he sees it. But Shia’s smug facial expression throughout the movie and his desire to mug for the camera just ruined this movie. Also sitting next to two, old, racist ladies that were talking about President Obama and the first lady like they were lawn trash before the movie and then made noise THROUGH THE WHOLE MOVIE, kinda ruined it too.

Mr. Redford, I love the idea of this movie. I LOVED everyone EXCEPT SHIA in this movie and I blame you for that. You were the director. WHY would you make him just unwatchable. I get that I am not supposed to like his character. But now I think I may never want to see him in another movie.