Pain and Gain is FOR REAL Y’ALL!!

By May 19, 2013Movies

Ok my mom and I went to this movie thinking this was going to be a douchy male dominated, potty humor, comedy; sorta Dodgeball meets Anchorman but with all muscle heads kinda thing. I thought how great will it be to see Mark Wahlberg and The Rock yucking it up in some crazy comedy.

Ummm, so NOT seeing a preview for this movie I had no idea what I was actually in for. MAN it was AMAZINGLY fantastic. The fact that this is a true story and the things that these idiots do! WHAT??? I kept thinking NO WAY can this be true. NOBODY would do that. And just when I thought that, up on the screen it freezes for a sec and it says “This is STILL a true story.” WHAT????

If someone had sat down and written this as a fictional movie and pitched it they would have been laughed out of the office because there is NO WAY anyone would do these things in real life. It just couldn’t happen. But it did. And Mark and the cast make you keep watching. You just can’t stop. See this movie, and I hope EVERYONE in it gets nominated!!

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