

Kids Killing Kids is Killing me and the whole world.

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urlTragedy doesn’t even begin to describe what happened this morning in Connecticut. I don’t live in Connecticut. I have never been there. I don’t know one single person that was affected by this unconscionable act. Yet I am reeling from it. I swing between crying, I mean large, sobbing, UGLY crying and being so livid that I wish I could revive this psychopath and kill him myself with my bare hands.

Of course that won’t make any of what happened better. Nothing can. Nothing.

WHY is this happening EVER in our country? WHY are kids killing each other? WHY????

We must, as a society, take responsibility for our contribution to this trend of psychopathic behavior in our children. Yes guns are the problem, yes violent video games are the problem, yes a lack of discipline is the problem, yes the “everyone is a winner” philosophy is the problem. WE are the problem people.

Kids need love. They need to know that when they fall down you will be there to kiss their boo boo and to reassure them. Kids don’t need to be put in a bubble and never allowed to fall because that is too scary and NEVER know what failure is because everything they do is magic and never get ANY punishment for anything because they are just so precious and if you yell at your kid or discipline them you should just burn in hell and go to jail because you are evil. Kids have to know what life is. It is getting bumped around and figuring out how to NOT get bumped. Life is hard. Life is an adventure. But nowhere in that adventure of life should be included, running for your life from a crazed gunman.

We have to stop perpetuating this cycle. It ends here.

Of course all sides of the gun issue are shouting loudly about what would have made this a different outcome.


Outside of military use it is UNNECESSARY. The end.

Jesus when ANIMALS are killed the whole world freaks out. When the show LUCK had horses die on set PETA got the whole show shut down because there is no way anyone is going to stand for a HORSE dying. That is just UNACCEPTABLE. But when people kill people with weapons, whether it is kids or adults, well then it is everyones right to own a gun and no one can take our guns. And it KEEPS HAPPENING. SO why the HELL aren’t we melting down all these guns for scrap and making playground slides with them or something.

How many kids need to die or god forbid KILL each other until we get the point? How many? There is no acceptable number. ZERO. That’s how many kids should have their lives ended by senseless gun violence in their classroom. A child goes to school to learn. That should be the only thing on their mind.


Mister Rogers sums up what we need to do here:

“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’ To this day, especially in times of ‘disaster,’ I remember my mother’s words, and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers – so many caring people in this world.”

Let’s all try to be the helpers. Let’s help our children heal from this and let’s teach them to treat each other with love and respect and to help when it is needed.

Bully- Still shaking me to my core almost 9 months later.

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I saw Bully near the beginning of this year and I am still thinking about it now. It haunts me. As the mother of two boys, the older of which is Autistic, this movie frightened the hell out of me.

It is hard enough growing up. Your body changes. EVERYONE goes through an awkward phase and kids are mean. I suffered through probably MORE than my fair share of bullying as a kid. I was a tomboy, still am. I LIKE having my hair short. I LOVE playing sports but it seems that doing that and being a heterosexual girl was just too WEIRD for most people around me.

Watching these kids on this movie being tortured brought up those past memories and made me hurt anew. And it made me so fearful for my son. He is different in the most beautiful way. He sees the world in a way I can’t even imagine and he is the smartest person I know. To think that ANYTHING like what happens in this movie could happen to him terrified me. And made me protective.

The lesson from this movie, TALK to your kids. Make sure they aren’t being harassed and for gods sake make sure they aren’t the ones dishing it out.

Crazy HATE speech isn’t Free

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I am gonna take a moment here to rant about this HORRIFIC situation that occurred in Libya and Egypt last night. Firstly this is not an issue of “free speech”. Freedom of speech was NEVER intended to allow people to spread hate or religious intolerance. NEVER. Our country was founded by people seeking a more perfect union where every citizen was granted the right to religious freedom. Free to practice their religion as it is laid out in their texts. Not to have their religion mocked or violated by anyone.
What happened in Egypt and Libya is unacceptable and all those responsible should be brought to justice. The INDIVIDUALS behind this should. NOT an entire country, people or religion is responsible. Specific individuals should be brought to justice.
Likewise the individual/s who posted this hate filled video, that violated the laws and practices of a religion should be brought to justice for causing and international incident and for the deaths of those Americans. They are equally culpable in the deaths as the people who set fire to the embassy.
Mitt Romney needs to STOP chomping at the bit for an excuse for war. This incident is wrong on all levels but there are Americans responsible for setting the spark of this fire just as there are Libyans responsible for setting the fires. ALL need to be brought to justice. There is ZERO cause for an all out WAR with ANYONE over this. WAR isn’t the answer.

On My Mind!!!

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Well there is a lot to think about these days. The economy, climate change, the election and women’s rights. There is so much being thrown around it is getting difficult to focus on any one thing. But somehow, amongst the chaos I am finding peace. I see all these things flying about, clashing and clanging into each other; friendships divided over politics and ignorant people running around screaming that the sky is falling. And somehow I find that I can sit and see all this turmoil and understand it and not get upset by it.

Sure I care about who wins this election. I care an awful lot about it. But instead of getting upset about it I am choosing to act on it. I am worried about Climate Change and what kind of world will be there for my kids. So I am DOING something about it. I am learning sustainable farming techniques, conserving energy and have most recently become Vegan.

Women’s rights of course is important to me as a woman as a mother and just as a human being. So I am working daily to make sure that the injustices that are being attempted on women are brought to light. I am prepared to go the distance to ensure that not only I keep my rights but all the women that come after me do as well. But I am not angry about it or anxious. I am aware what is needed and I am acting on that.

I guess I am learning to appreciate life. I do appreciate it. But it is most definitely a learning process. I have to tell myself every day to be thankful for what I DO have and who I have it with and not to burden myself with bygone friends and habits.

Take today for example. I am very content. Business is good. My kids are healthy and doing well in school and I have a great relationship with my husband. What more could I ask for?

White People Behaving Badly

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Yesterday I wrote  a retort to Mansfield Frasier and his article on President Obama’s lack of minorities in his Chicago campaign office. Today on the Maddow blog they post this WHITE congressman talking to a room of WHITE people about impeaching President Obama. And just blatantly lie about his record and about him violating the constitution and all that. Just, in my opinion, the usual scare tactic, right wing nonsense, that the lunatic fringe right tries to get everyone in this country riled up with.

Now this Congressman, Todd Akin of Missouri, that’s him in the picture, is fine on talking to this small room of all WHITE people about impeaching our President but he doesn’t call for it on the floor of the house or in the press. Just in this tiny room where it is apparently alright to slander someone. Where, I ask you, Mansfield and others who were happily jumping on the “Obama has no love for minorities train”, are you today for this out and out racist cry to get our President impeached? Do you not see the irony of not speaking out equally about both of these things?

Hey Mansfield Frasier it’s 2012, can’t we all just get along?

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Today Mansfield Frasier wrote an article that got my blood boiling! Read the article in The Daily Beast and read my response below!

To me this is the typical rhetoric against President Obama that has been waged since the 08 campaign. He isn’t “Black” enough. He’s too “Black”. They guy can’t win. The fact that a “Black” man is garnering support from EVERY community is ignored completely. I see Asians, Latinos, whites and yes some. admittedly not many, but SOME black people in that photo. But yes young, hip, white America is in love with the President. Is that a crime now?
Oh I’m sorry, so now White people are supporting a Black man and that is a bad thing? I am confused. My whole life we learned about Civil Rights and the March on Washington and we were taught that everyone is a person not a color. Now in 2012, when I am raising my own children it is ALL about color again? WHAT?

I find it hard to fathom that we are still roasting that chestnut in America. Get over it people! So what he has white volunteers. He has Black ones as well and Asians and women and on and on. What he has, in my humble opinion, is Americans working for him. Young, bright, enthusiastic Americans that believe in him and his vision for our country.

The Author here, Mansfield Frazier, is forwarding the centuries long viewpoint in this country that somehow it is wrong for Whites to support Blacks. That, in a nutshell, is what is wrong with our country. We still have the shackles of slavery wound around EVERYTHING we do. We need to, all of us, EVERY American, finally move forward from that. Support someone based on their policies and actions. Gender, race, religion, and sexual orientation have nothing to do with it. We must begin to move past this “monochromatic” view of our country if we are ever going to be free.

Ashley Judd, REAL LIFE superwoman!

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Today Ashley Judd wrote a piece about her face. The Daily Beast article lays out in detail what is the major problem in America right now. Women, Men, Children, WE are all OBSESSED with bodies and what they look like and who is looking better than who and all that. The fact that a beautiful, 43 year old woman, is on television, in great shape, giving the performance of a career in a terrific show garners only questions about her face is disgusting.

That has nothing to do with the story line. No one brought up the tremendous amount of stunts that she is doing on her own and the work ethic that must go along with that. No one brought up how incredible she is as this mother desperate to get her child back. Not once. When she is running down the tarmac and her son is being forced on a plane, screaming for her, and she just misses him, can’t get to the plane in time and she crumples on the tarmac sobbing, clawing for air. That was real. That was the best scene of that nature I have ever seen. She is a tremendous actress. It is a wonderful show. But no instead let’s talk about her face and have experts deciding how much work she has or hasn’t had done. WTF? Is this really where we are at people?

Can we not look at a show or a movie or ANYTHING and just look at that and appreciate it for what it is? Isn’t it time that we, collectively as a society, just get over it. Really. We have evolved this far. We have cars and planes and cell phones. We have put men on the moon and into outer space. We have a tiny device that can hold thousands of songs and yet we haven’t evolved past our superficialness. We have actually devolved in that respect.

That is sad. I think Ashley put it best,
“If this conversation about me is going to be had, I will do my part to insist that it is a feminist one, because it has been misogynistic from the start. Who makes the fantastic leap from being sick, or gaining some weight over the winter, to a conclusion of plastic surgery? Our culture, that’s who. The insanity has to stop, because as focused on me as it appears to have been, it is about all girls and women. In fact, it’s about boys and men, too, who are equally objectified and ridiculed, according to heteronormative definitions of masculinity that deny the full and dynamic range of their personhood. It affects each and every one of us, in multiple and nefarious ways: our self-image, how we show up in our relationships and at work, our sense of our worth, value, and potential as human beings. Join in—and help change—the Conversation.” — Ashley Judd

Miss Representation a life changer!

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I stumbled upon this movie by chance. Just an ad on the side of my facebook. I clicked on it and was taken to I started looking at this amazing site. Then I saw the trailer for this film. Immediately I got goose bumps and I HAD to see this movie.

I found out where a screening was going to be near me and got tickets for me and two of my closest girlfriends. We just saw the movie last night. I could hardly sleep last night. I was thinking about this movie that much. I discussed topics from this movie for well over an hour with my friends. I spent the morning talking about it with my husband, stepfather and a mom in my son’s class. I can’t stop thinking about it and how sincerely it has forever changed me. A movie hasn’t changed me this much since I watched “Blood Diamond” and I decided to never again wear diamonds.

It was, for me like a slap in the face. A revival slap. Like, “Hey Nora! Remember when you were a girl and you had a million dreams and aspirations and you were going to change the world?? Well?? What is stopping you. GET UP and DO IT.” It is hard to describe without making less of what I am doing and have done. I love my life. I love my kids and my husband. I work, I clean I take care of them but I need to do more. I need to be a part of this movement. One I was a part of that somehow I inadvertently left behind like a dream of a former life.

And that is the magic of this movie. It is in your face and it makes you want to do something big and wonderful and really change the world. It is magnificent and it should be seen everywhere by Women especially but Men too. Men need to know what they can do to be a part of the solution.

Please if there is a screening near you GO, RUN to this movie. If there isn’t a screening then arrange one. Make it happen. This message is vital to the future of not only women but humanity as a whole.


Vegan, Day 1.

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Well a friend of mine who was booking a doctor as a guest for John Tesh’s radio show just freaked my freak. She read this doctor’s whole book so she could write the questions for Mr. Tesh, and this doctor basically says to NEVER eat any meat. That human bodies were not designed to digest that or dairy for that matter. Of course while she was telling me this I had just picked up some In-N-Out and was drinking a delicious Chocolate shake. As I sucked down my creamy treat listening to her warning about my health I swear I could almost feel the dairy starting to destroy my body. The overwhelming delicious flavor made me continue but I didn’t drink it all.

I decided to start today, January 18th 2012, attempting to be a Vegan. I bought a boat load of veggies and set out to not eat any dairy or meat today. I had a good breakfast, Oatmeal, half a grapefruit and half a cup of home brewed Peets Arabia Mocha Java. Then for lunch I ate a large salad, quarter cup a rice and a cup of sauteed veggies. For a snack I had an organic Honeycrisp apple with peanut butter and some nuts and dried cranberries. I will most probably have a juice shake, with veggie protein in it for dinner. So far I feel good. I got SUPER hungry later in the day but I guess that is part of it.

I am hoping to lose 67 pounds this year. Hopefully before my birthday but that may be a bit unreal because that is 5 months away but maybe!