Apple Live Streaming Keynote iPhone, iPad, iPod, & iTunes Oh my!

By September 1, 2010Technology or Nerd Central

For all of you out there who don’t have a Mac and didn’t get to see the live stream here is a play by play of the releases.

iPhone : HDR photos look fantastic. Once again Apple has figured out how to make pictures even easier and better looking with just a touch of a button.

Game center: Links you up to invites and sharing and there seem to be some really sweet new games coming out for multi player.

iPad: Wireless Printing!!!!! Finally!

Air tunes becomes Airplay! You can now stream more than music wirelessly! Movies, Music, Photos and TV.



IOS 4.2 coming out in November for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.

New iPod Shuffle, Buttons, voice over and Playlists. Clip and go! $49

New iPod Nano Smaller, multi touch, Clip on the back, Voice Over, Nike +, 24 hour battery life, Photos! Customizable icons, rotatable screen! $149 8Gig $179 16 Gig.

New iPod Touch Thinner, Retina Display, Apple A4 Chip, 3 Axis Gyro, Facetime with front Camera, Rear Camera with HD recording, 40 hour battery life for music playback. Edit Videos on the phone, Facetime between iPods and iPhones! $229 8Gig $299 32 Gig $399 64 Gig.

All available next week.

iTunes10 New Logo, Simpler, more elegant, new list view with cover art. Ping, social network for music. Twitter and Facebook meet iTunes. Follow your favorite artists and friends and see what music they are listening to and what they are doing. Steve Jobs calls it a “Social music discovery.” Ping available for Mac, PC, iPhone and iPod Touch. Available today for download!

New Apple TV:  Smaller, HDMI output, Ethernet and WiFi. Remote. HD shows when available. Rentals only no purchases. Rental prices are low. Streaming videos, photos and music. No syncing. Silent and cool. $4.99 for first run HD movies. ¢99 for HD TV Shows, commercial free ABC & Fox for right now. More to come. Stream Netflix to the Apple TV. Stream You Tube and get photos from Flickr and Mobile Me as well as pod casts. Listen to all your music from your computer on your TV. Using the new Airplay you can stream from your iOS device eg iPad to your Apple TV. $99 available in 4 weeks. Pre order today!

Bonus for everyone there and me Chris Martin of Coldplay LIVE!

Once again Apple is rolling out innovation in massive doses. There is a reason why the iPod destroyed the Walkman. It is just too good. Look for me on Ping as soon as I can get the download!

Join the discussion 3 Comments

  • Cameron says:

    Apple tv sounds pretty cool. Wonder how the features compare to google tv? Great play by play. Did steve Jobs present everything?

  • Sara says:

    Yes I was just sitting around contemplating this myself. I was scrolling through the Wall Street Journal the other day as well thinking some deep financial thoughts too, and then I read War and Peace and afterwards decided to have a heated political debate… Nah I’m just kidding. Good bloggy thing! LOL Go sis! 😉

  • Cameron says:

    OMG! What a troll this girl is! 🙂

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