The Descendants

By December 29, 2011Movies

This movie touched me on so many levels. This was the first time that I saw George Clooney playing a regular person. No veneers on his teeth, no perfect hair, no perfect clothes, just him raw. It was AMAZING. He was sincerely breathtaking in this movie. This story of family torn apart by secrets and death and how do you deal with that.

This story was so real and raw I felt honestly like I was in someones living room watching this tragedy unfold before my eyes. The fact that it takes place in Hawaii only adds to the sorrow. How somewhere so majestic could be filled with such sadness is beyond me. But this story takes you all over the roller coaster of emotion and leaves you, finally content with life and content with these people. You know they are going to make it and you want them to.

Please see this movie. It is so good!

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